
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Discover Your Health From Within

What is HTMA?

HTMA is a proven and effective method for diagnosing your health and the health of your loved ones. Based on 29 elements, the results of this test will show imbalances in the body, and changes in elements and their interrelationships better than other methods.

What you will learn from HTMA?

The results of the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis will tell you not only about the concentrations of dietary and toxic elements in your body, but also about their mutual ratios. Elements can work together or compete against each other. Therefore, an excess or deficiency of one element changes the amount of others. Based on the ratios between elements, you can evaluate metabolic activity and the correct functioning of physiological processes. Changes in element ratios are reflected in the functioning of the body’s subsystems, such as, for example, the nervous, digestive and endocrine systems. Based on the EHA result, you can determine changes in the functioning of these subsystems. The results of the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis enable you to evaluate any imbalances that may, in turn, lead to many serious diseases.

How dose it works?

Get the hair as instructed
Send the collected sample
to the laboratory
Create an account
at the
Get the result online

Benefits of HTMA

the only test that shows the health condition over the course of about 3 months time
assessing the levels of 20 micro and macro elements
detecting pathogenic loads with 9 toxic elements
A test that guarantees individual choice and therefore an effective diet
without leaving your home
stress-free for kids
